Website + eCommerce: Configuration: Redirects


This document covers how redirects are configured in the Website application's Configuration menu for Odoo 14. Redirects are a means of routing a URL within your website to an internal or external URL.

 Debug Mode

You must be in Debug mode to access this menu and page.


To get started, navigate to the Website app.

Here, you'll see a list of any existing redirects. To add a new redirect, click Create. In the form, enter the following details:

Name: Give this redirect a name for your reference.

Action: Select what type of redirect you're adding.

  • 404 Not Found: Use for pages that have been discontinued, or to remove a specific page or controller.

  • 301 Moved Permanently: Use for pages that have permanently moved, or been renamed. This instructs the browser to cache the new URL.

  • 302 Moved Temporarily: Use for pages where the redirect will revert back after a period of time. This instructs the browser not to cache the new URL.

  • 308 Redirect / Rewrite: Use if you want to rename a controller with a URL. When using this ocnfiguration, you'll also need to click the Refresh Route's List button after saving the record.

URL from: Enter the original, or source, URL. This is a relative URL (e.g. /contactme).

URL to: Enter the destination URL. This is an absolute URL (e.g. 'https://mysite/contactus') and is not used for a '404 Not Found'.

Website: If you have more than one website configured, select the website in which to apply the redirect.

Active: When selected, this rule will process redirects.

Sequence: If desired, enter a specific sequence for this redirect.

When you're done, click Save.