Marketing: Email Marketing: Mailing Lists


The purpose of this document is to walk you through the processes for setting up and using the Email Marketing application in Odoo 13. We’ll be covering setting up Mailing Lists, adding contacts to those lists, setting up Mailings, and reviewing the results of your mailings. 


To get started, navigate to the Email Marketing app. 

Odoo image and text block

Creating Mailing Lists

Mailing Lists are pre-built groups of contacts that you can use to send mass email campaigns without needing to build out rules for filtering your contacts every time you want to send it out. 

To create a new Mailing List, select MAILING LISTS > MAILING LISTS

Here you will see all of the mailing lists that you’ve previously made. To create a new one, click the CREATE button. This will open the Create a Mass Mailing L ist form.

Mailing List: Enter the name of your list.

Is Public: Enabling this allows you to displayl this list the public “Unsubscribe” page of your website so that your users can manage their subscription preferences. 

Once those details are filled in, click CREATEYou will now have your mailing list created and can begin adding contacts to it.