Scheduling: Timesheets
The purpose of this document is to demonstrate the configuration and use of timesheets in the Timesheets application of Odoo 15. Timesheets are relevant to both Payroll and Attendances. The Odoo Timesheets app allows you to track and compare the amount of time spent on a project versus its value and the efficiency of the employees.
To get started, navigate to the General Settings, and choose Timesheets in the menu on the left of the screen..

Configuring Timesheets
In the Time Encoding section, determine the unit of time used to record timesheet entries, either days or hours. Optionally, configure Time Rounding section with a minimal duration and a round-up time increment.
Timesheet Control
If desired, turning these features on will allow you to send reminder emails to Employees and Managers after a specified time to review their timesheets and take care of any necessary changes.
Time Billing
Setting up service products will allow you to bill time to customers using timesheets in projects, and invoice them based on a fixed price (Ordered Quantity) or based on timesheets on tasks (Delivered Quantity). Click the SETUP YOUR TIME-BASED SERVICES link to begin this process.
Under Invoicing Policy, decide whether all timesheets will be billed, or only approved timesheets.
For more information on billing customers based on timesheets in projects, please see our Projects documentation.
Time Off
The last configuration option will allow you to change the desired internal project and task used to track work leaves.
Once your options are configured, click Save.
When you first open the Timesheets app, you will be presented with a grid view of your own timesheets for the week to date. The timesheets will be broken down by task on the left, and in the far right, there will be a running total. Daily sums will be displayed below the day columns.
Time Tracking
Across the top of the grid, a banner will display that will allow the user to press enter and start a running clock. Once the Start button is clicked, the banner will display the Description field, and selection for Project and Task to properly allocate the accrued time. The user can optionally use a hot key to increment a sheet. Click the Stop button to end the entry.
Once tasks are represented in the grid, the user can click the letter button next to the relevant task to quickly begin a new entry. This will profile the project and task fields in the banner and display the Description field for additional detail. The line's letter icon will change to a button as an indication of the task in progress.

Manual Time Entry
Using the Add a Line button at the bottom of the grid will allow you to quickly add a timesheet entry. A modal window will pop up asking you for the project and task for which you'd like to create a new line.

Enter the Project, Task, relevant Work Entry Type, and if applicable, the Sale Order Item. If the task was generated from a sale order, this field will be set automatically. The Date will default to the current, but can be adjusted if needed. Enter the Hours Spent in HH:MM format.
In general, you will want to add a Description to the timesheet entry.
Click Save when Complete.
Manually Increment a Grid Line
When a grid line is clicked, the user can enter an amount of Hours Spent. Mousing over the time slot of a grid line will provide a small magnifying glass, and clicking this icon will allow the user to add addition detail to this entry. The Project, Task, and time will be set, and it will insert a generic description of '/' when the Description field is left empty.

In the navigation menu under Reporting, there are several different views available to you. All reports provide the default search and filtering options, allowing data to be viewed as needed within a time range or with other context.
By Employee: Changes the timesheet grid to separate timesheets by employee on the y axis. The user can click the icon next to the employee's name to open a chat with them.
By Project: Changes the timesheet grid to separate timesheets by projects on the y axis.
By Task: Changes the timesheet grid to separate timesheets by Project, then task, on the y axis.
By Billing Type: Changes the timesheet grid to a pivot table, as seen below.
These entries are available to inserted into a new or existing spreadsheet by clicking the Insert in Spreadsheet button at the top of the window.

Also available is the TIMESHEET / ATTENDANCE report, which allows you to see discrepancies between the time the employee was clocked in and timesheets they entered.