Emily's Little Shop of Tabletop: Part 4
Using Website For Our Business
1 July, 2022 by
Emily's Little Shop of Tabletop: Part 4
Emily Methvin

Hello, fellow adventurers, and welcome back! With this one-stop, tabletop RPG shop, I'm giving you all the basics of setting up Odoo for your small business. So far I've covered Inventory, Point of Sale, and Manufacturing! Now it's time to get the website for my Little Shop of Tabletop up and running! With this website, I'll be able to announce events, like store wide sales and classes! But first, I need to get the configuration ready to go.

Navigating to my Website application, I am going to head over to my Configuration > Settings. For the Website settings, I'm going to give my website a name, upload a favicon, and enter in the domain. I'll circle back to the customization options shortly. Afterwards, I'm going to add in any additional Languages I would like my website to appear in, and enable my Social Media links. In the Features section, the only thing I'm going to enable is going to be the Customer Accounts, and I'm going to allow Free Sign Up. Scrolling down to the Products section, the settings I'm going to enable are Variants, Wishlists, and "Stay on page after adding to cart" (I don't want to rush my customers off the site). I also want to select that these products will be coming out of the dungeon and not the store front with the Inventory sub-section of these settings. I also do not want to continue selling products if they are out of stock. In the Pricing section, I'm going to set the tax to be included in product prices, as well as enable any coupons,  promos and gift card use for my online shoppers.

Since I've decided to start selling some of my products online, I'll need to enable a few Shipping and eCommerce options as well. By enabling the Shipping Address option, I'll be allowing my customers to enter an address that is different from their billing (great for gift givers). Then by connecting my business's UPS account, I'll be able to pack and stack online orders to be picked up and shipped out. Under the Invoicing section of the Configuration, I want to select "Invoice what is ordered" so that the order is paid for before shipping out. These are really all the settings I need from this page for now, so I'm going to move on to the eCommerce settings. I won't be selling everything I carry in store online but I do want to offer some basic items. Note: In order to do this, on the products themselves, I want to be sure eCommerce is checked under the item's Sales tab. In the Website application, I will find eCommerce Categories under the the Configuration button in my menu bar. Here I can configure how my products will be organized on my website. I'm going to do just core source books, t-shirts, and my pre-made minis and dice. My other products, such as the customizable items, must be bought in store.

With the basic configuration set up, I can get to the fun part of Customizing my website. I'm once again going to go to my Configuration > Settings. Right at the top are those customizing options, and I'm going to click Go to Website. This will open up the website in its bare-bones state. Up in the top right, there is an "Edit" button. This will open the Odoo Studio, allowing me to drag and drop block sections, and make my shop's website look however I like. I can choose themes (you should pick that before making major changes because it changes the look of everything). I can add in media such as images from the store, or video clips from our events. If I want to edit it further on the backend of my website, such as what is available in the Menu bar or how the different Pages are organized, it can all be done and is further explained in the linked documents.

By utilizing Odoo's Inventory, PoS, Manufacturing, and Website applications, I've been able to get this fantasy store ready for launch. So I think it's time to celebrate. In the fifth and final part of this series, I'm going to set up a grand opening using the Events application. Since I have already covered the basic set up for that in a previous blog, I'm going to go a bit more in depth with what it has to offer. Thank you and remember, if you have any Odoo needs, Hibou is here to help.

Emily's Little Shop of Tabletop: Part 4
Emily Methvin 1 July, 2022
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