Hibou Roost - Odoo: Odoo Database Management: Database Restore


This document outlines two methods you can use to restore your Odoo database.


Odoo Database Manager

Odoo has a database manager that may be accessed via the route /web/database/manager

To use it, you will need the so called 'master password' of the installation. You can use the database manager with a regular browser, and has a built in way to restore a database. 

Hibou Flow Restore

Hibou Flow is built into our Suite containers, and containers built from Suite (customer images). There are numerous command line flags, but only a couple are typically needed to interact with it.

While Flow has its own entrypoint (/flow/entrypoint.sh), using Suite's is generally better as it will provide database connection details out of the Odoo RC file (/etc/odoo/odoo.conf).

The simplest possible scenario would be if you have a file at /tmp/backup.zip and you either want to restore into a database in your /etc/odoo/odoo.conf file (the db_name key) or will use the -d desired_db_name (used below)

/entrypoint.sh flow odoo-restore -d desired-db-name

If you do not have the backup locally, you can get them out of S3 using credentials, or from a direct URL (e.g. a short term use S3 share URL).  Always put single apostrophe characters ' ' around URL's to ensure they work correctly. 

In the following command the \ character is used to make a single command on multiple lines for legibility. 

'--finished_file keep' is used to keep the backup file after downloading it from Minio/S3.
'--restore_test 1' is used to execute some SQL, namely to archive all scheduled actions and disable email.

Find all options in the source https://gitlab.com/hibou-io/hibou-odoo/flow/-/blob/master/odoo/restore.py

/entrypoint.sh flow odoo-restore -d prod-2020-12-31 \
  --backup_src 'https://some/very/long/url'
  --finished_file keep \
  --restore_test 1
# OR 
/entrypoint.sh flow odoo-restore -d prod-2020-12-31 \
  --backup_src 's3://client-backups/abc-prod-2020-12-31.zip' \
  --backup_minio_host ca-b1.hiboucorp.com \
  --backup_minio_access_key minio \
  --backup_minio_secret_key miniokey \
  --backup_minio_secure 1 \
  --finished_file keep \
  --restore_test 1