10.0 USD 10.00
Responsible Kaylie Kipe
Last Update 04/14/2021
Completion Time 1 hour 40 minutes
Members 42
Odoo 14
    • Configuration
      12 xp
    • Basic Product Settings
      12 xp
    • Reordering Rules
      12 xp
    • Vendor Pricelists
      12 xp
    • Purchase Agreements
      12 xp
    • Dropshipping
      12 xp
    • 3-Way Matching
      12 xp
    • Workflow
      12 xp
  • Certification
    • Certification: Odoo 14 Purchase

Learn Purchase in Odoo 14

An Hibou Academy Functional Course

In this series, we cover the basic Purchase workflow in Odoo 14, and also dive deeper to demonstrate the other handy tools the app brings us. We'll also pepper in some really useful tips and hints along the way!

Purchase brings with it several other important functions to help streamline your product ordering process. In these lessons, you'll learn:

  • Basic Product Settings, and how individual field settings change the workflow. As with most Odoo apps, a great configuration makes purchasing a breeze!

  • Using Reordering Rules to ensure you always have products ready to sell!

  • How Vendor Pricelists apply to your purchase orders, and how to ensure you're paying the lowest possible price for your products.

  • Configuring and using Purchase Agreements to both save you time and money.

  • Sending products directly to your customers from the vendor by using the Dropshipping route.

  • Covering your bases with 3-Way Matching to only pay for the products you've received.

You'll see how the Purchase app works seamlessly with other apps in your database. The workflow video will show you how to move through those apps to complete the entire process. And, finally, in true Hibou fashion, we've added pop-quizzes and important documentation links along the way. 

With Hibou Academy, you'll be an Odoo pro in no time!