Responsible Jared Kipe
Last Update 03/23/2021
Completion Time 3 hours 28 minutes
Members 84
  • Docker, Rancher, Kubernetes
    • Initialization of a Virtual Machine
    • Installing Kubernetes
  • Storage
    • Provision Storage in Longhorn
    • Cert Manager
    • Storage Classes
    • MinIO Operator
    • Longhorn Backups in MinIO
  • Cluster Resources
    • Cluster Monitoring
    • MySQL Deployment
  • Upgrades & Ongoing
    • Upgrading Rancher, Kubernetes + Longhorn

How do Build a Dev Kubernetes Cluster, Step-by-Step

A Free DevOps Course from Hibou

In this free Hibou Academy course, you'll learn how to build a Kubernetes cluster, step-by-step. This in-depth series is one you'll refer back to time and again!

Installing and Configurating Docker, Rancher, and Kubernetes

We'll kick this course off by initializing a virutal machine and installing these three key applications. As you watch these videos, be sure to click the Toggle Slides button below each video for important notes and call-outs from the video!

Provisioning Storage

In this section, we'll show you how to provision storage in Longhorn. You'll learn about the different storage options, installing and accessing Longhorn, dynamic provisioning, and testing your storage capabilities.

Next, you'll learn how to install and launch Cert Manager, then get valid certificates from LetsEncrypt and install them to your environment. Following that, we'll briefly cover storage classes and share some useful tips along the way.

To wrap this section, we'll deep dive into the installation and usage of the MinIO operator, then show you how to create Longhorn backups within it.

Monitoring Cluster Resources

This short section is made up of two videos that will teach you about monitoring cluster utilization and resources, as well as MySQL deployment. We'll use an example Rancher deployment to demonstrate this from features installed in the beginning of the series.

Upgrades + Ongoing Maintenance

Keeping your applications up-to-date is important for both security and compatiblity. We'll close out this course by touching on the methods of upgrading Rancher, Kubernetes, and Longhorn.