Organize Your Rental Products Today!
Use Odoo's Rental Application to Offer Renting Options!
12 August, 2022 by
Organize Your Rental Products Today!
Emily Methvin

Have you ever considered renting out the items you sell? Or maybe you want to rent out space in your shop? Either way, using the Rental application in Odoo may be the move for you! As always, it starts with the configuration.

Configuration in the Rental application is very straightforward with three sections. If you'd like there to be a buffer period between each time a product leaves your store or when a section of your building is used, you would set a Default Padding Time.

This can be used for example to clean and disinfect, perhaps repair any unfortunate accidents that may have happened, before the next renters use the item or space.

If you sell more expensive items or maybe need your guests to sign waivers (i.e. Escape Rooms and Axe Throwing) you may want to enable the Digital Documents to speed along the process.

To set up a penalty fee for items that leave your establishment and must be returned in an agreed upon timeframe, you'll use the Default Delay Costs. You can adjust the penalty fee per hour and/or per day as well as when the penalty begins taking effect. You may also create it as a product so when invoiced, the client will have a clear indication as to what the extra charge is for.

To enable rentals on specific products, head over to the product's page. You'll checkmark the "Can be Rented" option.

Then under the Rental tab, you'll list the pricing and any stipulations for reserving the item or space. If special pricing is listed for this product a certain pricelists, you'll be able to mark those on the product as well.

The rentals are logged in your Rental front page. We can immediately see who rented the product, the Sale Order number and price, when the items are to be returned, and if it has been picked up or not. By selecting the rental, you're able to see the sale order that was created for it. In this example, my pal Brennan (be warned he can use colorful language from time to time) rented one of the larger minis my TTRPG shop sells and a gaggle of the smaller minis for a day. We can see that he's already picked them up. Better still, beneath each item description we see what the agreed rental timeframe is. So he picked them up this afternoon and he'll be back to return them tomorrow!

These Sale Orders can be validated, invoiced and have payment registered all form this page as well track whether order are late or have been returned. There ya have it! Easily track where your rentals are and how long they'll be out or occupied! Should you need help with your Odoo implementation, Hibou is here to help! Just use the contact form below to send us a message!

Organize Your Rental Products Today!
Emily Methvin 12 August, 2022
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