Odoo Payroll Success Packs
Hibou is the largest contributor to Odoo Payroll localizations and extended functionality. As Odoo Payroll experts, with modules to provide rates/localizations across multiple countries, we're the perfect partners to implement payroll for your business!
The Hibou Payroll Success Pack is designed for focused and limited engagements centered around one thing: Making Payroll in Odoo work for you!
During a call with one of our Hibou Experts, we'll discuss your payroll needs and what would make your payroll implementation a success.
We'll explain the configuration requirements related to Payroll, including:
- Setting your company SUTA rates
- Ensuring accounting consequences of rules are properly configured
- Configuring employee contracts and payroll forms
During the configuration, you'll learn what you need to know to keep your payroll running smoothly. Additionally, this Success Pack can be utilized for training on:
- Running individual payslips
- Running batch payslips
- Understand how to report to state and federal entities
Implement Supporting Modules
Hibou has a wide variety of Payroll modules to expand the functionality in order to meet the common use cases for businesses. This includes:
- Payroll on Attendances and Timesheets
- Overtime on Payroll
- Payroll Payments
- 401k Support
- and many more!
Ongoing Support
If you have remaining hours in your Success Pack after implementation, these hours can be used for ongoing support as your company embarks on your payroll journey!
If your implementation utilizes all hours in the Success Pack, never fear! An additional Payroll Success Pack can be purchased or Hibou can send an ongoing hourly support contract/rates for your review.
The Payroll Success Pack is $2,000 for 10 Hours of Implementation/Training