Team Hibou
Virtual workforces are becoming the new norm, and Hibou is no exception. Our team members come from a variety of different backgrounds, and are scattered across the United States.
When working with remote companies, it's always helpful to put a face to a name, so we welcome you to the next entry of our Employee Spotlight pieces!

I'm Cory and yes I am writing my own spotlight! I live in Fort Collins, Colorado, and am one of the Hibou Up-And-Comers who is currently a Junior Project Manager, as well as a SaaS (Sarcasm as a Service) expert. I can usually be found in Slack posting memes, speaking in movie quotes, and linking my favorite songs in our #music channel. With that said, let's dig a bit deeper into me: Here's Cory!
What’s my role at Hibou? What does that look like on a daily basis?
Being a Junior Project Manager means I help out wherever I can on whatever is needed. Some days are filled with client calls and taking notes, other days are full of writing documentation to help others learn to use Odoo more efficiently and knowledgeably. But every day involves a bit of education and learning to add to my utility belt.
What was I up to before coming to Hibou?
Before joining this incredible team, I worked for Safeway Inc (a grocery store chain) for 22 years and gained just about as much retail grocery operation experience as any sane person would like to have.
What is my favorite thing about being on Team Hibou?
Gonna break the rules here and list more than one. From my very first day, I was contacted in Slack by nearly every coworker, welcoming me to the team and offering their help as I grew into my role with the company. So everyone’s helpfulness has been very appreciated. Second, after 22 years in retail, the flexibility this company offers by working remote is something I couldn’t have even imagined before it became my life. And a third favorite thing? Every Friday, our leaders encourage us to participate in (Apple) Fritter Fridays! What's not to love about that?
What’s something new or helpful I have learned since joining the company?
My work career has been focused on a single company from the time I was a teenager, so everyday I am learning about new ways to troubleshoot, think creatively, and contribute to a team that values my opinion, even if it is misguided due to my level of knowledge. But I am working on growing that knowledge every day!
Enough about work! Outside of Hibou, what sorts of things do I like to do with my time?
I love video games! I currently play on PS5 and Nintendo Switch and enjoy a variety of different titles. My most consuming hobby is probably my growing collection of collections ranging from Comic Books (Huge fan of Batman, TMNT, and works from Scott Snyder, Grant Morrison, and Tom King to name a few), Action Figures, Lego sets, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter items. Basically the stuff that everyone now loves, that kids growing up in the 80’s were mocked for enjoying, that's my bread and butter. My favorite bands/musicians are Pearl Jam, Jason Mraz, and Eminem, pretty eclectic. I am married to my lovely wife Christine, and we have a dog named Olivia that we enjoy taking out hiking.
What is an unforgettable or once-in-a-lifetime experience I have had?
It may not be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for everyone, but my first international trip is something I will never forget. My wife’s family and I started out in Italy by spending a few days in Venice, Florence, Rome, and the Isle of Capri, having amazing food and sight seeing tours in every city. Then we flew to Paris and spent a couple days doing the same things there. Finally, we flew back to the United States and met my brother and his wife in New York City where the four of us toured on our own. In the span of three days, I went from the top of the Eiffel Tower, to the top of One World Trade Center. Pretty remarkable trip, if I do say so myself.
And that's it for now! Thanks for checking this post out and don't forget to explore my awesome teammate's Spotlight articles!
Meet Mishael, easily educated and fearless, an awesome combination!